The website was developed with the aim of making the content as accessible as possible to all visitors. This has been achieved by following the best practices, such as compliance with W3C standards.
This accessibility statement outlines the main steps we have taken to meet the needs of anyone wishing to visit our website.
Compliance with standards
The pages on this site, developed in 2017, were inspired by the WCAG AA standard, and meet all the W3C’s Priority Guidelines 1 and 2 for Web Content Accessibility.
All pages on this site use structured semantic markup. H1 tags are used for main titles, H2, H3 and H4 tags are used for subtitles.
All the pages have a link to the homepage and the menu system was conceived on a coherent way for the whole site. Each page generating a lot of content has its own research system.
Tab-indexes were set up on the site in order to navigate more easily with the tab key from the keyboard.
Here are the access-keys allowing an easy menu navigation:
0: Accessibility
1: Home
2: About us
3: Our cars
4: Airports transfers
5: Cruises transfers
6: Long journeys
7: Tours / Excursions
8: Events
9: Contact
All the images used on this site have descriptive ALT attributes.
Visual conception
This site uses Cascading Style Sheets for the visual layout.
If your navigation device does not support Cascading Style Sheets, the content of each page is still readable.
The design is dynamic, which means that it will change and adjust the layout to the different screen sizes, such as tablets and mobile phones ones.
This site checked all the contrasts to facilitate the reading of the contents thanks to specialized tools (
This site uses relative font sizes, which are compatible with the user-specified “text size” option in visual browsers.
The color and size of the fonts have been carefully chosen to meet the sizing standards and the recommended contrast with the background.
The chosen font is Open Sans (sans-serif), it allows an easy reading.
We tried to limit the number of links. We added title attributes to each link that was clickable by an image.
We tried to differentiate these links from the rest of the text by underlining them or by changing the mouse pointer.
Each entry is preceded by its label. The required fields are marked with a star. The fields do not empty in case of error.